Joanna & Joona, c’est l’histoire d’une belle rencontre.
Nous nous sommes croisés pour la première fois autours d’un thé, pris sur un coin de table d’un petit café du Lubéron, par une fin d’après-midi d’automne pluvieuse. Et le feeling est tout de suite passé.
D’origine finlandaise tous les deux, suisses d’adoption, ils avaient choisi de se dire Oui dans le sud de la France, juste à côté de ce que Joona considère comme « le plus joli village du monde » : Cucuron.
Lorsque je les ai rencontrés, ils avaient déjà un peu avancé dans l’organisation de leur mariage : le lieu et la date étaient choisis, le traiteur presque validé. Mais ils étaient un peu dépassés par cette organisation à distance, et avaient du mal à conjuguer une vie professionnelle intense et l’organisation d’un tel événement international. Je me suis donc proposée de les aider à boucler les derniers postes urgents, et de me charger de la décoration et du design floral.

Joanna & Joona is the story of a lovely encounter.
We first met for the first time over a cup of tea in a small café in Luberon, on rainy autumn day, and we immediately clicked.
Both of Finnish, living in Switzerland, they chose to get married in the South of France, in a village that Joona considers to be his “favorite place in the world”: Cucuron.
When I met them, they were already in the middle of planning their wedding: they had chosen a date, booked a venue, and were finalizing their choice of caterer. But they were a little overwhelmed by this remote organization, and had trouble combining an intense professional life and the planning of such an important event. I helped them find the missing providers and managed the decoration and floral design.

We really cannot thank Maryon enough for everything she did for our wedding!
We were not originally thinking of using any wedding planning services. At first, we though it would be nice to plan and organize things by ourselves, and to be able to make every single decision including choosing flowers, candles, decorations etc.
And then we met Maryon. I remember the first time we met, she gave me a small wedding bouquet she had made as preparation/tests for another wedding, which was amazingly beautiful, and exactly my style. I realized I could fully trust her taste and could rely on her to take care of every little detail. That’s how it all started and in the end she was entirely responsible for all the flowers and decorations of our wedding. The pictures speak for themselves: what a fantastic job she did . We were able to let go and relax before the wedding and were amazed to discover what she had designed for us on the day of the event.
Maryon also shared her connections and expertise to help us organize other aspects of the wedding. She provided long lists of suppliers, including photographers for example, with comments on their styles and how they would fit our own wishes and expectations – so much research went into preparing this, and it was so helpful for us: we did not spend one minute browsing the web, we just chose our favorite photographer from the list she recommended.
Maryon also helped us organize Champagne to our wedding. With her connections in the Champagne region, we got a very nice deal; she took care of the entire process, arranging the delivery directly to the venue, so we did not have to worry about it at all.
I really recommend Simple as Love: if you are looking for someone you can trust and rely on, who quickly understands your style and expectations, who has a good eye for details, who is pro-active and extremely knowledgeable (and the list goes on!) … then Maryon is the one! And to top it all, she is a very friendly and warm person with whom it’s really nice to deal.
THANK YOU again Maryon, I don’t know how we would have survived without you.

Photographe / photographer : Marion Dunyach
Lieu / Venue : Château Val Joanis
Décoration et Design Floral / Decor & Flower design :
Simple as Love